Duties and Responsibilities - Municipal Secretary, BMC 277-2012 - My Preparation of Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) Examination

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Duties and Responsibilities - Municipal Secretary, BMC 277-2012

Add No – 277/2012
The duties of municipal secretary could be enumerated briefly as under ,It may,however,
be added that as the corporation has adopted Marathi as official language of the corporation,Marathi version of the proceedings is considered as authentic version of the proceedings of the corporation and its committees .However, Agendas and proceedings are also printed and circulated in English for the benefit of councilors who desire to avail of the same.
1) To issue notice of the meetings in accordance with Bombay municipal corporation Act and the
corporation procedure Rules.
2) To prepare the detailed agendas of the business to be transacted at the corporation committee
meetings to facilitate printing and also to help the members to have a quick grasp of such
papers, the Agenda matter is divided in two parts viz._ Agendas and Accompaniments. Lengthy
communications as well as printed as Accompaniments and separate compilation there of is
forwarded alongwith the Agendas.
3) To prepare draft resolutions at the meeting The draft resolutions at the corporation level are
prepared in two way. In the beginnings of the resolutions is typed out so as to save the time of
the Chairman and/or member moving the same at Meeting and thereafter a full draft resolution.
4) To keep a record of members attending the meetings.
5) To see that there is quorum before the proceedings are started.
6) To hand over the draft resolutions to the Chairmen of the respective Committees on in their
absence to other members.
7) To take down detail notes of the proceedings by way of Minutes.
8) To supply materials to the speakers on request.
9) To keep abreast of all the questions that come up before the Meeting .
10)To keep available the copies of the concerned Acts, By-laws and other relevant books of
records, files and statistics in the Meeting.
11) To draft the Minutes of the Meeting.
12) To get the Minutes approved from the Mayor, Chairmen or the Presiding Authority as the case
may be.
13) To prepare the reports of the sub-committee
14) To draft Inspection Notes of visits paid by the committees to different sites.
15) To draft important speeches of the Mayor and the Chairmen whenever required by them.
16) To make all arrangements of the functions arranged on behalf of the corporation.
17) To scrutinise and advice the Mayor as regard the admissibility of short Notice Questions,
Interpallations one Notices of Motions, etc.
18) To prepare the indices of the Corporation and Committee Proceedings.
19) To maintain the Councillor's Library.
20) To scrutinise nomination papers received for various elections made by the Corporation and the
Committees and to arrange to print the nomination papers and ballot papers.
21) To help conducting of such elections.
22) To maintain the register of attendance of the councilors at the corporation Meetings and to
prepare pay bills of their Honoraria and Allowances and arrange disbursement thereof .
23) To make available pre-printed stationery to the councillors at the prescri bed rates.
24) To incur and manage expenditure out of sumptuous Allowance placed at the disposal of the
25) To edit and print the corporation's Year Book.
26) To prepare a draft review of the Administration Report.
27) To conduct departmental examinations for promotion to the posts of Jr. secretarial Assistant, Jr.
Translator, Sr. Secretarial Assistant, Sr. Translator, Jr. Stenographer-cum- Reporter,
Sr.Stenographer - cum- Reporter.
28) To maintain the establishment and account section of the Municipal Secretary's Department.
29) To pilot the civic Budgets at the committee and corporation level.
30) To arrange to take notes of the debate, points of orders, supplementary interpellations,
statements made by the commissioner, Mayor, chairmen and Leader of the House and Leader
of the Opposition, as the case may be through Stenographer - cum - Reporters and to edit the
same for being included in the Proceedings.
31) To prepare and print the annual attendance of the Councillors of the corporation and committee
32) Inter-departmental correspondence and also correspondence with the councillors and the
Members of the public. As per the present practice, the communications received in Marathi are
replied to in Marathi and communications received in other languages are replied in English.
33)To give replies to the Councillors or to the parties in respect of correspondence committing
from them after the respective Proceedings are confirmed.
34)To print the proceedings of the Corporation and Committees and to get the same pasted and
duly checked up in the respective volumes of the Minutes Books and to obtain the Presiding
Officer's signature thereon at the meeting by way of confirmation.
35)To guide the Mayor, Chairman,Presiding Authorities and Members and to help in the conduct
of Meetings.
36)To arrange to print Record volumes of the Corporation and the Committee Meetings.
37)Draft letters addressed to the State and Central Governments in pursuance of the decision of the
Corporation and the Committees.
38)To circulate and deliver Meeting papers, proceedings and all such papers to the respective
residence of the Councillors.
39)Since absence of Members from Committee/Corporate Meetings over and above the prescribed
period result/the Members incurring disqualification, the Secretary's Office has to watch cases
and give intimations to such Councillor in advance.
40)To issue notifications (both English and Marathi of Corporation Meetings-Ordinary and
Special,Budget Notices, by-Laws,etc., for being published in the approved local newspapers.
41)To attend the Corporation and Committee Meetings in addition there are several other functions
carried out by this department reference to which has been made in subsequent pages.

Compiled by My Preparation of Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) Examination for the blog http://maharashtrapublicserviceexams.blogspot.com

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