MPSC Notes - Cell Structure - Cell Organelles Parts - IV - My Preparation of Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) Examination

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Friday, February 15, 2013

MPSC Notes - Cell Structure - Cell Organelles Parts - IV

31. What is the endosymbiotic hypothesis about the origin of mitochondria? What are the molecular facts that support the hypothesis? To which other cellular organelles can the hypothesis also be applied?
It is presumed that mitochondria were primitive aerobic prokaryotes that were engulfed in mutualism by primitive anaerobic eukaryotes, receiving protection from these beings and offering energy to them. This hypothesis is called the endosymbiotic hypothesis on the origin of mitochondria.
The hypothesis is strengthened by some molecular evidence such as the fact that mitochondria have their own independent DNA and protein synthesis machinery, with their own RNA and ribosomes, and that they can self-replicate.
The endosymbiotic theory can be applied to chloroplasts too. It is supposed that these organelles were primitive photosynthetic prokaryotes because they have their own DNA, RNA and ribosomes and they can self-replicate too.

32. What are the main components of the cytoskeleton?
The cytoskeleton is a network of very small tubules and filaments distributed throughout the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. It is made of microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments.
Microtubules are formed by molecules of a protein called tubulin. Microfilaments are made of actin, the same protein that participates in the contraction of muscle cells. Intermediate filaments are made of protein too.

33. What are the functions of the cytoskeleton?
As the name indicates, the cytoskeleton is responsible for the support of the normal shape of the cell; it also acts as a facilitator for substance transport across the cell and for the movement of cellular organelles. For example, the sliding between actin-containing filaments and the protein myosin creates pseudopods. In cells of the phagocytic defense system, like macrophages, cytoskeleton is responsible for the plasma membrane projections that engulf the external material to be interiorized and attacked by the cell.

34. What are chloroplasts? What are the main function of chloroplasts?
Chloroplasts are organelles present in the cytoplasm of plant and algae cells. Like mitochondria, chloroplasts have two boundary membranes and many internal membranous sacs. Within the organelle there are DNA, RNA and ribosomes and also the pigment chlorophyll, responsible for absorption of photic energy that is used in photosynthesis.
The main function of chloroplasts is photosynthesis: the production of highly energetic organic molecules (glucose) from carbon dioxide, water and light.

35. What is the molecule responsible for the absorption of photic energy for photosynthesis? Where is that molecule located in photosynthetic cells?
The chlorophyll molecules are responsible for the absorption of light energy for photosynthesis. These molecules are found in the internal membranes of chloroplasts.

36. What are the colors (of the electromagnetic spectrum) absorbed by plants? What would happen to photosynthesis if the green light waves that reach a vegetable were blocked?
Chlorophyll absorbs all other colors of the electromagnetic spectrum but it practically does not absorb the green. The green color is reflected and such reflection provides the characteristic color of plants. If the green light that reaches a plant is blocked and exposure of the plant to other colors is maintained there would be no harm to the photosynthesis process. Apparent paradox: the green light is not important for photosynthesis.
There is a difference between the optimum color frequency for the two main types of chlorophyll, the chlorophyll A and the chlorophyll B. Chlorophyll A has an absorption peak at approximately 420 nm wavelength (anil) and chlorophyll B has its major absorption in 450 nm wavelength (blue).

37. What is the path followed by the energy absorbed by plants to be used in photosynthesis?
The energy source of photosynthesis is the sun, the unique and central star of our planetary system. In photosynthesis the solar energy is transformed into chemical energy, the energy of the chemical bonds of the produced glucose molecules (and of the released molecular oxygen). The energy of glucose is then stored as starch (a glucose polymer) or it is used in the cellular respiration process and transferred to ATP molecules. ATP is consumed in metabolic processes that spend energy (for example, in active transport across membranes).

38. Of what substance is the plant cell wall made? Of which monomer is it made?
The plant cell wall is made of cellulose. Cellulose is a polymer whose monomer is glucose. There are other polymers of glucose, like glycogen and starch.

39. What is the function of the plant cell wall?
The plant cell wall has structural and protective functions. It plays an important role in the constraint of the cell size, preventing the cell to break when it absorbs a lot of water.

40. What are plant cell vacuoles? What are their functions? What is the covering membrane of the vacuoles called?
Plant cell vacuoles are cell structures delimited by membranes within which there is an aqueous solution made of various substances like carbohydrates and proteins. In young plant cells many small vacuoles can be seen; within adult cells the most part of the internal area of the cell is occupied by a central vacuole.
The main function of the vacuoles is the osmotic balance of the intracellular space. They act as “an external space” inside the cell. Vacuoles absorb or release water in response to the cellular metabolic necessities by increasing or lowering the concentration of osmotic particles dissolved in the cytosol. Vacuoles also serve as a storage place for some substances.
The membrane that delimits the vacuoles is called tonoplast, named after the osmotic function of the structure.

Compiled by My Preparation of Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) Examination for the blog

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